# $Header: /mhub4/sources/imap-tools/imapdump.pl,v 1.12 2011/10/26 15:26:37 rick Exp $
# Program name imapdump.pl #
# Written by Rick Sanders #
# Date 1/03/2008 #
# #
# Description #
# #
# imapdump.pl is a utility for extracting all of the mailboxes #
# and messages in an IMAP user's account. When supplied with #
# host/user/password information and the location of a directory #
# on the local system imapdump.pl will connect to the IMAP server, #
# extract each message from the user's account, and write it to #
# a file. The result looks something like this: #
# #
# /var/backups/INBOX #
# 1 2 3 4 5 #
# /var/backups/Drafts #
# 1 2 #
# /var/backups/Notes/2002 #
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #
# /var/backups/Notes/2003 #
# 1 2 3 #
# etc etc #
# #
# imapdump.pl is called like this: #
# ./imapdump.pl -S host/user/password -f /var/backup #
# #
# Optional arguments: #
# -d debug #
# -I show IMAP protocol exchanges #
# -L logfile #
# -m mailbox list (dumps only the specified mailboxes, see #
# the usage notes for syntax) #
use Socket;
use IO::Socket;
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Path;
# Main program. #
# Get list of all messages on the source host by Message-Id
connectToHost($sourceHost, \$conn);
unless ( login($sourceUser,$sourcePwd, $conn) ) {
Log("Check your username and password");
print STDOUT "Login failed: Check your username and password\n";
@mbxs = getMailboxList($sourceUser, $conn);
foreach $mbx ( @mbxs ) {
Log("Dumping messages in $mbx mailbox") if $dump_flags;
my @msgs;
if ( $sent_after ) {
getDatedMsgList( $mbx, $sent_after, \@msgs, $conn, 'EXAMINE' );
} else {
getMsgList( $mbx, \@msgs, $conn, 'EXAMINE' );
my $i = $#msgs + 1;
Log("$mbx has $i messages");
my $msgnums;
foreach $msgnum ( @msgs ) {
($msgnum) = split(/\|/, $msgnum);
$message = fetchMsg( $msgnum, $mbx, $conn );
mkpath( "$dir/$mbx" ) if !-d "$dir/$mbx";
$msgfile = $msgnum;
$msgfile .= $extension if $extension;
if ( !open (M, ">$dir/$mbx/$msgfile") ) {
Log("Error opening $dir/$mbx/$msgfile: $!");
Log(" Copying message $msgnum") if $debug;
print M $message;
close M;
$msgnums .= "$msgnum ";
deleteMsg( $conn, $msgnums, $mbx ) if $remove_msgs;
expungeMbx( $conn, $mbx ) if $remove_msgs;
logout( $conn );
Log("$added total messages dumped");
sub init {
$version = 'V1.0';
$os = $ENV{'OS'};
if ($timeout eq '') { $timeout = 60; }
# Open the logFile
if ( $logfile ) {
if ( !open(LOG, ">> $logfile")) {
print STDOUT "Can't open $logfile: $!\n";
select(LOG); $| = 1;
Log("\n$0 starting");
# Determine whether we have SSL support via openSSL and IO::Socket::SSL
$ssl_installed = 1;
eval 'use IO::Socket::SSL';
if ( $@ ) {
$ssl_installed = 0;
if ( $dump_flags ) {
Log("Dumping only those messages with one of the following flags: $dump_flags");
# sendCommand
# This subroutine formats and sends an IMAP protocol command to an
# IMAP server on a specified connection.
sub sendCommand
local($fd) = shift @_;
local($cmd) = shift @_;
print $fd "$cmd\r\n";
if ($showIMAP) { Log (">> $cmd",2); }
# readResponse
# This subroutine reads and formats an IMAP protocol response from an
# IMAP server on a specified connection.
sub readResponse
local($fd) = shift @_;
$response = <$fd>;
chop $response;
$response =~ s/\r//g;
push (@response,$response);
if ($showIMAP) { Log ("<< $response",2); }
# Log
# This subroutine formats and writes a log message to STDERR.
sub Log {
my $str = shift;
# If a logile has been specified then write the output to it
# Otherwise write it to STDOUT
if ( $logfile ) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
if ($year < 99) { $yr = 2000; }
else { $yr = 1900; }
$line = sprintf ("%.2d-%.2d-%d.%.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s %s\n",
$mon + 1, $mday, $year + $yr, $hour, $min, $sec,$$,$str);
print LOG "$line";
} else {
print STDOUT "$str\n";
# Make a connection to an IMAP host
sub connectToHost {
my $host = shift;
my $conn = shift;
Log("Connecting to $host") if $debug;
($host,$port) = split(/:/, $host);
$port = 143 unless $port;
# We know whether to use SSL for ports 143 and 993. For any
# other ones we'll have to figure it out.
$mode = sslmode( $host, $port );
if ( $mode eq 'SSL' ) {
unless( $ssl_installed == 1 ) {
warn("You must have openSSL and IO::Socket::SSL installed to use an SSL connection");
Log("You must have openSSL and IO::Socket::SSL installed to use an SSL connection");
Log("Attempting an SSL connection") if $debug;
$$conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
Proto => "tcp",
SSL_verify_mode => 0x00,
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
unless ( $$conn ) {
$error = IO::Socket::SSL::errstr();
Log("Error connecting to $host: $error");
} else {
# Non-SSL connection
Log("Attempting a non-SSL connection") if $debug;
$$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
unless ( $$conn ) {
Log("Error connecting to $host:$port: $@");
warn "Error connecting to $host:$port: $@";
Log("Connected to $host on port $port");
sub sslmode {
my $host = shift;
my $port = shift;
my $mode;
# Determine whether to make an SSL connection
# to the host. Return 'SSL' if so.
if ( $port == 143 ) {
# Standard non-SSL port
return '';
} elsif ( $port == 993 ) {
# Standard SSL port
return 'SSL';
unless ( $ssl_installed ) {
# We don't have SSL installed on this machine
return '';
# For any other port we need to determine whether it supports SSL
my $conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
Proto => "tcp",
SSL_verify_mode => 0x00,
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
if ( $conn ) {
close( $conn );
$mode = 'SSL';
} else {
$mode = '';
return $mode;
# trim
# remove leading and trailing spaces from a string
sub trim {
local (*string) = @_;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
# login
# login in at the source host with the user's name and password
sub login {
my $user = shift;
my $pwd = shift;
my $conn = shift;
sendCommand ($conn, "1 LOGIN $user \"$pwd\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ($response =~ /^1 OK/i) {
elsif ($response =~ /NO/) {
Log ("unexpected LOGIN response: $response");
return 0;
Log("Logged in as $user") if $debug;
return 1;
# logout
# log out from the host
sub logout {
my $conn = shift;
undef @response;
sendCommand ($conn, "$lsn LOGOUT");
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^$lsn OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected LOGOUT response: $response");
close $conn;
# getMailboxList
# get a list of the user's mailboxes from the source host
sub getMailboxList {
my $user = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my @mbxs;
my @mailboxes;
# Get a list of the user's mailboxes
if ( $mbxList ) {
# The user has supplied a list of mailboxes so only processes
# the ones in that list
@mbxs = split(/,/, $mbxList);
foreach $mbx ( @mbxs ) {
trim( *mbx );
push( @mailboxes, $mbx );
return @mailboxes;
if ($debug) { Log("Get list of user's mailboxes",2); }
sendCommand ($conn, "1 LIST \"\" *");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected response: $response");
return 0;
undef @mbxs;
for $i (0 .. $#response) {
$response[$i] =~ s/\s+/ /;
if ( $response[$i] =~ /"$/ ) {
$response[$i] =~ /\* LIST \((.*)\) "(.+)" "(.+)"/i;
$mbx = $3;
} elsif ( $response[$i] =~ /\* LIST \((.*)\) NIL (.+)/i ) {
$mbx= $2;
} else {
$response[$i] =~ /\* LIST \((.*)\) "(.+)" (.+)/i;
$mbx = $3;
$mbx =~ s/^\s+//; $mbx =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($response[$i] =~ /NOSELECT/i) {
if ($debug) { Log("$mbx is set NOSELECT,skip it",2); }
if (($mbx =~ /^\#/) && ($user ne 'anonymous')) {
# Skip public mbxs unless we are migrating them
if ($mbx =~ /^\./) {
# Skip mailboxes starting with a dot
push ( @mbxs, $mbx ) if $mbx ne '';
if ( $mbxList ) {
# The user has supplied a list of mailboxes so only processes
# those
@mbxs = split(/,/, $mbxList);
return @mbxs;
# getMsgList
# Get a list of the user's messages in the indicated mailbox on
# the source host
sub getMsgList {
my $mailbox = shift;
my $msgs = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $seen;
my $empty;
my $msgnum;
my $from;
my $flags;
$mode = 'EXAMINE' unless $mode;
sendCommand ($conn, "1 $mode \"$mailbox\"");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ( $response =~ / 0 EXISTS/i ) { $empty=1; }
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected response: $response");
return 0;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 FETCH 1:* (uid flags internaldate body[header.fields (From Date)])");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
last if $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD|^\* BYE/;
@msgs = ();
$flags = '';
for $i (0 .. $#response) {
last if $response[$i] =~ /^1 OK FETCH complete/i;
if ($response[$i] =~ /FLAGS/) {
# Get the list of flags
$response[$i] =~ /FLAGS \(([^\)]*)/;
$flags = $1;
$flags =~ s/\\Recent//;
if ( $response[$i] =~ /INTERNALDATE/) {
$response[$i] =~ /INTERNALDATE (.+) BODY/i;
# $response[$i] =~ /INTERNALDATE "(.+)" BODY/;
$date = $1;
$date =~ /"(.+)"/;
$date = $1;
$date =~ s/"//g;
# if ( $response[$i] =~ /\* (.+) [^FETCH]/ ) {
if ( $response[$i] =~ /\* (.+) FETCH/ ) {
($msgnum) = split(/\s+/, $1);
if ( $msgnum && $date ) {
push (@$msgs,"$msgnum|$date|$flags");
$msgnum = $date = '';
return 1;
# getDatedMsgList
# Get a list of the user's messages in a mailbox on
# the host which were sent after the specified date
sub getDatedMsgList {
my $mailbox = shift;
my $cutoff_date = shift;
my $msgs = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my $oper = shift;
my ($seen, $empty, @list,$msgid);
# Get a list of messages sent after the specified date
Log("Searching for messages after $cutoff_date");
@list = ();
@$msgs = ();
sendCommand ($conn, "1 $oper \"$mailbox\"");
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ / EXISTS/i) {
$response =~ /\* ([^EXISTS]*)/;
# Log(" There are $1 messages in $mailbox");
} elsif ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
} elsif ( $response =~ /^1 NO/i ) {
Log ("unexpected SELECT response: $response");
return 0;
} elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected SELECT response: $response");
return 0;
my ($date,$ts) = split(/\s+/, $cutoff_date);
# Get list of messages sent before the reference date
Log("Get messages sent after $date") if $debug;
$nums = "";
sendCommand ($conn, "1 SEARCH SINCE \"$date\"");
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response =~ /^\*\s+SEARCH/i ) {
($nums) = ($response =~ /^\*\s+SEARCH\s+(.*)/i);
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected SEARCH response: $response");
Log("$nums") if $debug;
if ( $nums eq "" ) {
Log (" $mailbox has no messages sent before $date") if $debug;
my @number = split(/\s+/, $nums);
$n = $#number + 1;
$nums =~ s/\s+/ /g;
@msgList = ();
@msgList = split(/ /, $nums);
if ($#msgList == -1) {
# No msgs in this mailbox
return 1;
$n = $#msgList + 1;
Log("there are $n messages after $sent_after");
@$msgs = ();
for $num (@msgList) {
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 FETCH $num (uid flags internaldate body[header.fields (Message-Id Date)])");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
last if $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD|^\* BYE/;
$flags = '';
my $msgid;
foreach $_ ( @response ) {
last if /^1 OK FETCH complete/i;
if ( /FLAGS/ ) {
# Get the list of flags
/FLAGS \(([^\)]*)/;
$flags = $1;
$flags =~ s/\\Recent//;
if ( /Message-Id:\s*(.+)/i ) {
$msgid = $1;
$date = $1;
$date =~ /"(.+)"/;
$date = $1;
$date =~ s/"//g;
#### next if check_cutoff_date( $date, $cutoff_date );
if ( /\* (.+) FETCH/ ) {
($msgnum) = split(/\s+/, $1);
if ( $msgnum and $date ) {
push (@$msgs,"$msgnum|$date|$flags|$msgid");
foreach $_ ( @$msgs ) {
Log("getDated found $_") if $debug;
return 1;
sub fetchMsg {
my $msgnum = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my $message;
Log(" Fetching msg $msgnum...") if $debug;
sendCommand( $conn, "1 FETCH $msgnum (rfc822)");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
$size = length($message);
elsif ($response =~ /message number out of range/i) {
Log ("Error fetching uid $uid: out of range",2);
elsif ( $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD/ ) {
return 0;
elsif ($response =~ /Bogus sequence in FETCH/i) {
Log ("Error fetching uid $uid: Bogus sequence in FETCH",2);
elsif ( $response =~ /message could not be processed/i ) {
Log("Message could not be processed, skipping it ($user,msgnum $msgnum,$destMbx)");
push(@errors,"Message could not be processed, skipping it ($user,msgnum $msgnum,$destMbx)");
($response =~ /^\*\s+$msgnum\s+FETCH\s+\(.*RFC822\s+\{[0-9]+\}/i) {
($len) = ($response =~ /^\*\s+$msgnum\s+FETCH\s+\(.*RFC822\s+\{([0-9]+)\}/i);
$cc = 0;
$message = "";
while ( $cc < $len ) {
$n = 0;
$n = read ($conn, $segment, $len - $cc);
if ( $n == 0 ) {
Log ("unable to read $len bytes");
return 0;
$message .= $segment;
$cc += $n;
return $message;
sub usage {
print STDOUT "usage:\n";
print STDOUT " imapdump.pl -S Host/User/Password -f <dir>\n";
print STDOUT " <dir> is the file directory to write the message structure\n";
print STDOUT " Optional arguments:\n";
print STDOUT " -F <flags> (eg dump only messages with specified flags\n";
print STDOUT " -d debug\n";
print STDOUT " -x <extension> File extension for dumped messages\n";
print STDOUT " -r remove messages after dumping them\n";
print STDOUT " -L logfile\n";
print STDOUT " -m mailbox list (eg \"Inbox, Drafts, Notes\". Default is all mailboxes)\n";
print STDOUT " -a <DD-MMM-YYYY> copy only messages after this date\n";
sub processArgs {
if ( !getopts( "dS:L:m:hf:F:Ix:ra:" ) ) {
if ( $opt_S =~ /\\/ ) {
($sourceHost, $sourceUser, $sourcePwd) = split(/\\/, $opt_S);
} else {
($sourceHost, $sourceUser, $sourcePwd) = split(/\//, $opt_S);
$mbxList = $opt_m;
$logfile = $opt_L;
$dir = $opt_f;
$extension = $opt_x;
$dump_flags = $opt_F;
$remove_msgs = 1 if $opt_r;
$debug = 1 if $opt_d;
$showIMAP = 1 if $opt_I;
$sent_after = $opt_a;
if ( !$dir ) {
print "You must specify the file directory where messages will\n";
print "be written using the -f argument.\n\n";
validate_date( $sent_after ) if $sent_after;
mkpath( "$dir" ) if !-d "$dir";
if ( !-d $dir ) {
print "Fatal Error: $dir does not exist\n";
if ( $dump_flags ) {
foreach my $flag ( split(/,/, $dump_flags) ) {
$flag = ucfirst( lc($flag) );
$flag = 'Seen' if $flag eq 'Read';
$flag = 'Unseen' if $flag eq 'Unread';
$dump_flags{$flag} = 1;
if ( $extension ) {
$extension = '.' . $extension unless $extension =~ /^\./;
usage() if $opt_h;
sub findMsg {
my $conn = shift;
my $msgid = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
my $msgnum;
Log("SELECT $mbx") if $debug;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 SELECT \"$mbx\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
Log("Search for $msgid") if $debug;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 SEARCH header Message-Id \"$msgid\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /\* SEARCH /i ) {
($dmy, $msgnum) = split(/\* SEARCH /i, $response);
($msgnum) = split(/ /, $msgnum);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
last if $response =~ /complete/i;
return $msgnum;
sub deleteMsg {
my $conn = shift;
my $msgnums = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
my $rc;
$msgnums =~ s/\s+$//;
foreach my $msgnum ( split(/\s+/, $msgnums) ) {
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 STORE $msgnum +FLAGS (\\Deleted)");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
$rc = 1;
Log(" Marked msgnum $msgnum for delete");
if ( $response =~ /^1 BAD|^1 NO/i ) {
Log("Error setting \\Deleted flag for msg $msgnum: $response");
$rc = 0;
return $rc;
sub expungeMbx {
my $conn = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
Log("SELECT $mbx") if $debug;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 SELECT \"$mbx\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
if ( $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD/i ) {
Log("Error selecting mailbox $mbx: $response");
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 EXPUNGE");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
if ( $response =~ /^1 BAD|^1 NO/i ) {
print "Error expunging messages: $response\n";
sub flags_ok {
my $flags = shift;
my $ok = 0;
# If the user has specified that only messages with
# certain flags be dumped then honor his request.
return 1 unless %dump_flags;
$flags =~ s/\\//g;
Log("flags $flags") if $debug;
foreach $flag ( split(/\s+/, $flags) ) {
$flag = ucfirst( lc($flag) );
$ok = 1 if $dump_flags{$flag};
# Special case for Unseen messages for which there isn't a
# standard flag.
if ( $dump_flags{Unseen} ) {
# Unseen messages should be dumped too.
$ok = 1 unless $flags =~ /Seen/;
return $ok;
sub validate_date {
my $date = shift;
my $invalid;
# Make sure the "after" date is in DD-MMM-YYYY format
my ($day,$month,$year) = split(/-/, $date);
$invalid = 1 unless ( $day > 0 and $day < 32 );
$invalid = 1 unless $month =~ /Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec/i;
$invalid = 1 unless $year > 1900 and $year < 2999;
if ( $invalid ) {
Log("The 'Sent after' date $date must be in DD-MMM-YYYY format");
# $Header: /mhub4/sources/imap-tools/imapdump.pl,v 1.12 2011/10/26 15:26:37 rick Exp $
# Program name imapdump.pl #
# Written by Rick Sanders #
# Date 1/03/2008 #
# #
# Description #
# #
# imapdump.pl is a utility for extracting all of the mailboxes #
# and messages in an IMAP user's account. When supplied with #
# host/user/password information and the location of a directory #
# on the local system imapdump.pl will connect to the IMAP server, #
# extract each message from the user's account, and write it to #
# a file. The result looks something like this: #
# #
# /var/backups/INBOX #
# 1 2 3 4 5 #
# /var/backups/Drafts #
# 1 2 #
# /var/backups/Notes/2002 #
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 #
# /var/backups/Notes/2003 #
# 1 2 3 #
# etc etc #
# #
# imapdump.pl is called like this: #
# ./imapdump.pl -S host/user/password -f /var/backup #
# #
# Optional arguments: #
# -d debug #
# -I show IMAP protocol exchanges #
# -L logfile #
# -m mailbox list (dumps only the specified mailboxes, see #
# the usage notes for syntax) #
use Socket;
use IO::Socket;
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Path;
# Main program. #
# Get list of all messages on the source host by Message-Id
connectToHost($sourceHost, \$conn);
unless ( login($sourceUser,$sourcePwd, $conn) ) {
Log("Check your username and password");
print STDOUT "Login failed: Check your username and password\n";
@mbxs = getMailboxList($sourceUser, $conn);
foreach $mbx ( @mbxs ) {
Log("Dumping messages in $mbx mailbox") if $dump_flags;
my @msgs;
if ( $sent_after ) {
getDatedMsgList( $mbx, $sent_after, \@msgs, $conn, 'EXAMINE' );
} else {
getMsgList( $mbx, \@msgs, $conn, 'EXAMINE' );
my $i = $#msgs + 1;
Log("$mbx has $i messages");
my $msgnums;
foreach $msgnum ( @msgs ) {
($msgnum) = split(/\|/, $msgnum);
$message = fetchMsg( $msgnum, $mbx, $conn );
mkpath( "$dir/$mbx" ) if !-d "$dir/$mbx";
$msgfile = $msgnum;
$msgfile .= $extension if $extension;
if ( !open (M, ">$dir/$mbx/$msgfile") ) {
Log("Error opening $dir/$mbx/$msgfile: $!");
Log(" Copying message $msgnum") if $debug;
print M $message;
close M;
$msgnums .= "$msgnum ";
deleteMsg( $conn, $msgnums, $mbx ) if $remove_msgs;
expungeMbx( $conn, $mbx ) if $remove_msgs;
logout( $conn );
Log("$added total messages dumped");
sub init {
$version = 'V1.0';
$os = $ENV{'OS'};
if ($timeout eq '') { $timeout = 60; }
# Open the logFile
if ( $logfile ) {
if ( !open(LOG, ">> $logfile")) {
print STDOUT "Can't open $logfile: $!\n";
select(LOG); $| = 1;
Log("\n$0 starting");
# Determine whether we have SSL support via openSSL and IO::Socket::SSL
$ssl_installed = 1;
eval 'use IO::Socket::SSL';
if ( $@ ) {
$ssl_installed = 0;
if ( $dump_flags ) {
Log("Dumping only those messages with one of the following flags: $dump_flags");
# sendCommand
# This subroutine formats and sends an IMAP protocol command to an
# IMAP server on a specified connection.
sub sendCommand
local($fd) = shift @_;
local($cmd) = shift @_;
print $fd "$cmd\r\n";
if ($showIMAP) { Log (">> $cmd",2); }
# readResponse
# This subroutine reads and formats an IMAP protocol response from an
# IMAP server on a specified connection.
sub readResponse
local($fd) = shift @_;
$response = <$fd>;
chop $response;
$response =~ s/\r//g;
push (@response,$response);
if ($showIMAP) { Log ("<< $response",2); }
# Log
# This subroutine formats and writes a log message to STDERR.
sub Log {
my $str = shift;
# If a logile has been specified then write the output to it
# Otherwise write it to STDOUT
if ( $logfile ) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
if ($year < 99) { $yr = 2000; }
else { $yr = 1900; }
$line = sprintf ("%.2d-%.2d-%d.%.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s %s\n",
$mon + 1, $mday, $year + $yr, $hour, $min, $sec,$$,$str);
print LOG "$line";
} else {
print STDOUT "$str\n";
# Make a connection to an IMAP host
sub connectToHost {
my $host = shift;
my $conn = shift;
Log("Connecting to $host") if $debug;
($host,$port) = split(/:/, $host);
$port = 143 unless $port;
# We know whether to use SSL for ports 143 and 993. For any
# other ones we'll have to figure it out.
$mode = sslmode( $host, $port );
if ( $mode eq 'SSL' ) {
unless( $ssl_installed == 1 ) {
warn("You must have openSSL and IO::Socket::SSL installed to use an SSL connection");
Log("You must have openSSL and IO::Socket::SSL installed to use an SSL connection");
Log("Attempting an SSL connection") if $debug;
$$conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
Proto => "tcp",
SSL_verify_mode => 0x00,
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
unless ( $$conn ) {
$error = IO::Socket::SSL::errstr();
Log("Error connecting to $host: $error");
} else {
# Non-SSL connection
Log("Attempting a non-SSL connection") if $debug;
$$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
unless ( $$conn ) {
Log("Error connecting to $host:$port: $@");
warn "Error connecting to $host:$port: $@";
Log("Connected to $host on port $port");
sub sslmode {
my $host = shift;
my $port = shift;
my $mode;
# Determine whether to make an SSL connection
# to the host. Return 'SSL' if so.
if ( $port == 143 ) {
# Standard non-SSL port
return '';
} elsif ( $port == 993 ) {
# Standard SSL port
return 'SSL';
unless ( $ssl_installed ) {
# We don't have SSL installed on this machine
return '';
# For any other port we need to determine whether it supports SSL
my $conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
Proto => "tcp",
SSL_verify_mode => 0x00,
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
if ( $conn ) {
close( $conn );
$mode = 'SSL';
} else {
$mode = '';
return $mode;
# trim
# remove leading and trailing spaces from a string
sub trim {
local (*string) = @_;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
# login
# login in at the source host with the user's name and password
sub login {
my $user = shift;
my $pwd = shift;
my $conn = shift;
sendCommand ($conn, "1 LOGIN $user \"$pwd\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ($response =~ /^1 OK/i) {
elsif ($response =~ /NO/) {
Log ("unexpected LOGIN response: $response");
return 0;
Log("Logged in as $user") if $debug;
return 1;
# logout
# log out from the host
sub logout {
my $conn = shift;
undef @response;
sendCommand ($conn, "$lsn LOGOUT");
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^$lsn OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected LOGOUT response: $response");
close $conn;
# getMailboxList
# get a list of the user's mailboxes from the source host
sub getMailboxList {
my $user = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my @mbxs;
my @mailboxes;
# Get a list of the user's mailboxes
if ( $mbxList ) {
# The user has supplied a list of mailboxes so only processes
# the ones in that list
@mbxs = split(/,/, $mbxList);
foreach $mbx ( @mbxs ) {
trim( *mbx );
push( @mailboxes, $mbx );
return @mailboxes;
if ($debug) { Log("Get list of user's mailboxes",2); }
sendCommand ($conn, "1 LIST \"\" *");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected response: $response");
return 0;
undef @mbxs;
for $i (0 .. $#response) {
$response[$i] =~ s/\s+/ /;
if ( $response[$i] =~ /"$/ ) {
$response[$i] =~ /\* LIST \((.*)\) "(.+)" "(.+)"/i;
$mbx = $3;
} elsif ( $response[$i] =~ /\* LIST \((.*)\) NIL (.+)/i ) {
$mbx= $2;
} else {
$response[$i] =~ /\* LIST \((.*)\) "(.+)" (.+)/i;
$mbx = $3;
$mbx =~ s/^\s+//; $mbx =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($response[$i] =~ /NOSELECT/i) {
if ($debug) { Log("$mbx is set NOSELECT,skip it",2); }
if (($mbx =~ /^\#/) && ($user ne 'anonymous')) {
# Skip public mbxs unless we are migrating them
if ($mbx =~ /^\./) {
# Skip mailboxes starting with a dot
push ( @mbxs, $mbx ) if $mbx ne '';
if ( $mbxList ) {
# The user has supplied a list of mailboxes so only processes
# those
@mbxs = split(/,/, $mbxList);
return @mbxs;
# getMsgList
# Get a list of the user's messages in the indicated mailbox on
# the source host
sub getMsgList {
my $mailbox = shift;
my $msgs = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $seen;
my $empty;
my $msgnum;
my $from;
my $flags;
$mode = 'EXAMINE' unless $mode;
sendCommand ($conn, "1 $mode \"$mailbox\"");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ( $response =~ / 0 EXISTS/i ) { $empty=1; }
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected response: $response");
return 0;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 FETCH 1:* (uid flags internaldate body[header.fields (From Date)])");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
last if $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD|^\* BYE/;
@msgs = ();
$flags = '';
for $i (0 .. $#response) {
last if $response[$i] =~ /^1 OK FETCH complete/i;
if ($response[$i] =~ /FLAGS/) {
# Get the list of flags
$response[$i] =~ /FLAGS \(([^\)]*)/;
$flags = $1;
$flags =~ s/\\Recent//;
if ( $response[$i] =~ /INTERNALDATE/) {
$response[$i] =~ /INTERNALDATE (.+) BODY/i;
# $response[$i] =~ /INTERNALDATE "(.+)" BODY/;
$date = $1;
$date =~ /"(.+)"/;
$date = $1;
$date =~ s/"//g;
# if ( $response[$i] =~ /\* (.+) [^FETCH]/ ) {
if ( $response[$i] =~ /\* (.+) FETCH/ ) {
($msgnum) = split(/\s+/, $1);
if ( $msgnum && $date ) {
push (@$msgs,"$msgnum|$date|$flags");
$msgnum = $date = '';
return 1;
# getDatedMsgList
# Get a list of the user's messages in a mailbox on
# the host which were sent after the specified date
sub getDatedMsgList {
my $mailbox = shift;
my $cutoff_date = shift;
my $msgs = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my $oper = shift;
my ($seen, $empty, @list,$msgid);
# Get a list of messages sent after the specified date
Log("Searching for messages after $cutoff_date");
@list = ();
@$msgs = ();
sendCommand ($conn, "1 $oper \"$mailbox\"");
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ / EXISTS/i) {
$response =~ /\* ([^EXISTS]*)/;
# Log(" There are $1 messages in $mailbox");
} elsif ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
} elsif ( $response =~ /^1 NO/i ) {
Log ("unexpected SELECT response: $response");
return 0;
} elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected SELECT response: $response");
return 0;
my ($date,$ts) = split(/\s+/, $cutoff_date);
# Get list of messages sent before the reference date
Log("Get messages sent after $date") if $debug;
$nums = "";
sendCommand ($conn, "1 SEARCH SINCE \"$date\"");
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
elsif ( $response =~ /^\*\s+SEARCH/i ) {
($nums) = ($response =~ /^\*\s+SEARCH\s+(.*)/i);
elsif ( $response !~ /^\*/ ) {
Log ("unexpected SEARCH response: $response");
Log("$nums") if $debug;
if ( $nums eq "" ) {
Log (" $mailbox has no messages sent before $date") if $debug;
my @number = split(/\s+/, $nums);
$n = $#number + 1;
$nums =~ s/\s+/ /g;
@msgList = ();
@msgList = split(/ /, $nums);
if ($#msgList == -1) {
# No msgs in this mailbox
return 1;
$n = $#msgList + 1;
Log("there are $n messages after $sent_after");
@$msgs = ();
for $num (@msgList) {
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 FETCH $num (uid flags internaldate body[header.fields (Message-Id Date)])");
undef @response;
while ( 1 ) {
readResponse ( $conn );
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
last if $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD|^\* BYE/;
$flags = '';
my $msgid;
foreach $_ ( @response ) {
last if /^1 OK FETCH complete/i;
if ( /FLAGS/ ) {
# Get the list of flags
/FLAGS \(([^\)]*)/;
$flags = $1;
$flags =~ s/\\Recent//;
if ( /Message-Id:\s*(.+)/i ) {
$msgid = $1;
$date = $1;
$date =~ /"(.+)"/;
$date = $1;
$date =~ s/"//g;
#### next if check_cutoff_date( $date, $cutoff_date );
if ( /\* (.+) FETCH/ ) {
($msgnum) = split(/\s+/, $1);
if ( $msgnum and $date ) {
push (@$msgs,"$msgnum|$date|$flags|$msgid");
foreach $_ ( @$msgs ) {
Log("getDated found $_") if $debug;
return 1;
sub fetchMsg {
my $msgnum = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
my $conn = shift;
my $message;
Log(" Fetching msg $msgnum...") if $debug;
sendCommand( $conn, "1 FETCH $msgnum (rfc822)");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
$size = length($message);
elsif ($response =~ /message number out of range/i) {
Log ("Error fetching uid $uid: out of range",2);
elsif ( $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD/ ) {
return 0;
elsif ($response =~ /Bogus sequence in FETCH/i) {
Log ("Error fetching uid $uid: Bogus sequence in FETCH",2);
elsif ( $response =~ /message could not be processed/i ) {
Log("Message could not be processed, skipping it ($user,msgnum $msgnum,$destMbx)");
push(@errors,"Message could not be processed, skipping it ($user,msgnum $msgnum,$destMbx)");
($response =~ /^\*\s+$msgnum\s+FETCH\s+\(.*RFC822\s+\{[0-9]+\}/i) {
($len) = ($response =~ /^\*\s+$msgnum\s+FETCH\s+\(.*RFC822\s+\{([0-9]+)\}/i);
$cc = 0;
$message = "";
while ( $cc < $len ) {
$n = 0;
$n = read ($conn, $segment, $len - $cc);
if ( $n == 0 ) {
Log ("unable to read $len bytes");
return 0;
$message .= $segment;
$cc += $n;
return $message;
sub usage {
print STDOUT "usage:\n";
print STDOUT " imapdump.pl -S Host/User/Password -f <dir>\n";
print STDOUT " <dir> is the file directory to write the message structure\n";
print STDOUT " Optional arguments:\n";
print STDOUT " -F <flags> (eg dump only messages with specified flags\n";
print STDOUT " -d debug\n";
print STDOUT " -x <extension> File extension for dumped messages\n";
print STDOUT " -r remove messages after dumping them\n";
print STDOUT " -L logfile\n";
print STDOUT " -m mailbox list (eg \"Inbox, Drafts, Notes\". Default is all mailboxes)\n";
print STDOUT " -a <DD-MMM-YYYY> copy only messages after this date\n";
sub processArgs {
if ( !getopts( "dS:L:m:hf:F:Ix:ra:" ) ) {
if ( $opt_S =~ /\\/ ) {
($sourceHost, $sourceUser, $sourcePwd) = split(/\\/, $opt_S);
} else {
($sourceHost, $sourceUser, $sourcePwd) = split(/\//, $opt_S);
$mbxList = $opt_m;
$logfile = $opt_L;
$dir = $opt_f;
$extension = $opt_x;
$dump_flags = $opt_F;
$remove_msgs = 1 if $opt_r;
$debug = 1 if $opt_d;
$showIMAP = 1 if $opt_I;
$sent_after = $opt_a;
if ( !$dir ) {
print "You must specify the file directory where messages will\n";
print "be written using the -f argument.\n\n";
validate_date( $sent_after ) if $sent_after;
mkpath( "$dir" ) if !-d "$dir";
if ( !-d $dir ) {
print "Fatal Error: $dir does not exist\n";
if ( $dump_flags ) {
foreach my $flag ( split(/,/, $dump_flags) ) {
$flag = ucfirst( lc($flag) );
$flag = 'Seen' if $flag eq 'Read';
$flag = 'Unseen' if $flag eq 'Unread';
$dump_flags{$flag} = 1;
if ( $extension ) {
$extension = '.' . $extension unless $extension =~ /^\./;
usage() if $opt_h;
sub findMsg {
my $conn = shift;
my $msgid = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
my $msgnum;
Log("SELECT $mbx") if $debug;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 SELECT \"$mbx\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
Log("Search for $msgid") if $debug;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 SEARCH header Message-Id \"$msgid\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /\* SEARCH /i ) {
($dmy, $msgnum) = split(/\* SEARCH /i, $response);
($msgnum) = split(/ /, $msgnum);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
last if $response =~ /complete/i;
return $msgnum;
sub deleteMsg {
my $conn = shift;
my $msgnums = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
my $rc;
$msgnums =~ s/\s+$//;
foreach my $msgnum ( split(/\s+/, $msgnums) ) {
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 STORE $msgnum +FLAGS (\\Deleted)");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
if ( $response =~ /^1 OK/i ) {
$rc = 1;
Log(" Marked msgnum $msgnum for delete");
if ( $response =~ /^1 BAD|^1 NO/i ) {
Log("Error setting \\Deleted flag for msg $msgnum: $response");
$rc = 0;
return $rc;
sub expungeMbx {
my $conn = shift;
my $mbx = shift;
Log("SELECT $mbx") if $debug;
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 SELECT \"$mbx\"");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
if ( $response =~ /^1 NO|^1 BAD/i ) {
Log("Error selecting mailbox $mbx: $response");
sendCommand ( $conn, "1 EXPUNGE");
while (1) {
readResponse ($conn);
last if $response =~ /^1 OK/;
if ( $response =~ /^1 BAD|^1 NO/i ) {
print "Error expunging messages: $response\n";
sub flags_ok {
my $flags = shift;
my $ok = 0;
# If the user has specified that only messages with
# certain flags be dumped then honor his request.
return 1 unless %dump_flags;
$flags =~ s/\\//g;
Log("flags $flags") if $debug;
foreach $flag ( split(/\s+/, $flags) ) {
$flag = ucfirst( lc($flag) );
$ok = 1 if $dump_flags{$flag};
# Special case for Unseen messages for which there isn't a
# standard flag.
if ( $dump_flags{Unseen} ) {
# Unseen messages should be dumped too.
$ok = 1 unless $flags =~ /Seen/;
return $ok;
sub validate_date {
my $date = shift;
my $invalid;
# Make sure the "after" date is in DD-MMM-YYYY format
my ($day,$month,$year) = split(/-/, $date);
$invalid = 1 unless ( $day > 0 and $day < 32 );
$invalid = 1 unless $month =~ /Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec/i;
$invalid = 1 unless $year > 1900 and $year < 2999;
if ( $invalid ) {
Log("The 'Sent after' date $date must be in DD-MMM-YYYY format");
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